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EMISSION SUNU DINÉ N°5 - Tabaski ou Aîd El Kabir : Sens et Significations, Conditions d'aptitude du Mouton à sacrifier

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EMISSION SUNU DINÉ N°5 - Tabaski ou Aîd El Kabir : Sens et Significations, Conditions d'aptitude du Mouton à sacrifier
Dans ce numéro de votre émission Sunu Diné, Oustaz Babacar Niang revient sur le Sens et la Signification de la Tabaski , les conditions d'aptitude du Mouton à sacrifier , et comment égorger un mouton.

1 Commentaires

  1. Auteur


    En Octobre, 2013 (18:42 PM)
    In any case, God knows that before the sixth century, it was written anywhere in the Torah and the Bible, that God asked her 'friend' faithful Abraham to sacrifice his son Ishmael, who, as the Muslims themselves admit, had left the residence of the Patriarch with his mother Adjar her 9 years to join his family in the country of the Arabs where it came to be used in families Jewsas it was customary, as we welcome today girls from villages Serer, Diola and a few years of Wolof!

    Why God asked Abraham to give him sacrifice his beloved son, if not demonstrating O how it is very painful to sacrifice her child, while he, God would give his son INSA IBN MARIAMA, only be pure for the remission of the sins of ADAM and EVE who disobeyed its prohibitions.

    In my opinion, the Arabs who had a written language lingua franca of teachings beyond their borders, have managed to rewrite monotheism ABRAMIQUE according to their culture. Well before the arrival of INSA IN MARIAMA, all from Monotheists of the Patriarch ABRAHAM bled a RAM in commemoration of this gesture of God who gave Abraham a RAM instead of his son.

    Now that NHI has shed his blood, he is no longer required to sacrifice an animal if not for rejoicing with family and neighbors in solidarity.

    Obscurantism has to stop, the current world with its inexhaustible research vectors, allows us to distinguish the truth and manipulation by some peoples.

    What would we be today, if Fortunately our ancestors, from the 5th century had a scholarly writing to translate the bible, the same that today ?

    And if, well before that the Arabs have crossed the Sahara to penetrate much of black Africa, Christians priests had managed to carry out their sermons with blacks of the Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Guinea and Senegambia?

    These debates must be conducted without prevarication and with great courage, source of freedom,
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